Cultural reform program for major health insurer

Cultural reform program for major health insurer


Challenge: A leading health insurance provider undergoing a significant organisational reform was experiencing reduced staff morale and issues with organisational culture. Understanding that people were integral to the success of the reform the organisation engaged Stockwell Bretton to develop and deliver a series of cultural workshops to realign the corporate culture and increase team effectiveness.

Solution: Our change experts worked with key stakeholders within targeted business areas to identify the key challenges faced by their team and the objectives of the change initiatives. To improve individual performance and team effectiveness we developed a series of cultural workshops. Delivered at the team level, these workshops promoted collaboration in an environment that had previously been largely autonomous; participants shared individual experiences and challenges and then worked together to define the vision for their culture moving forward. Through exploration of individual behavioural profiles and resilience teams worked together to define a strategy to achieve their cultural vision that would allow for these individual differences.

Result: Stockwell Bretton’s cultural workshops supported realignment of the corporate culture. Enhanced understanding of their team members provided the foundations for a high-performance team culture; individuals working collaboratively towards shared objectives and feeling a sense of ownership over their internal culture. Through improving culture at the team level the organisation experienced increases in staff morale, in turn supporting the overall reform objectives as staff were better equipped to manage the changes presented.
